
Thursday, April 11, 2013


TWEETSTORM Thursday, April 11th- 3 PM PDT 7 PM EST 12 AM GMT
We need a big push to show our strength in numbers against CISPA. This Bill is close to passing. They are in closed door session, and is possible the could call the vote on the 12th. We will be doing one more Tweetstorm (#VoteNoCISPA) to raise awareness, and to help stop the Bill's passage. Please contact your Congress Person and tell them not to pass this bill.
H.R. 624: Cyber Intelligence Sharing and Protection Act
What is CISPA FAQ's
ACLU information on CISPA
CISPA stands for The Cyber Intelligence Sharing and Protection Act, a network and Internet security bill written by Rep. Mike Rogers (R-MI) and Dutch Ruppersberger (D-MD) (H.R. 624). The bill purports to allow companies and the federal government to share information to prevent or defend against network and other Internet attacks. However, the bill grants broad new powers, allowing companies to identify and obtain “threat information” by looking at your private information. It is written so broadly that it allows companies to hand over large swaths of personal information to the government with no judicial oversight—effectively creating a “cybersecurity” loophole in all existing privacy laws. via:
It’s vital that concerned Internet users tell Congress to stop this bill. Use EFF's action center to send an email to your Congress member urging them to oppose this bill.
Tell Congress that you do NOT support the passage of this atrocious assault on your inalienable right to privacy as guaranteed by the Constitution!
   Notify congress -->
Tell President Barack Obama that you do NOT support the passage of this atrocious assault on your unalienable right to privacy as guaranteed by the Constitution and urge him to VETO this bill should it cross his desk!
   Tell the President -->
Call on Congress to back off of any cyber-snooping legislation that sacrifices the civil liberties of Internet users.
DO YOU EVEN LINUX BRO? (there's actually a way to do this in windows too -- see the sites for the things)
If you have bash and t by @sferik installed you can run this simple one line script to message all of the twitter accounts listed below use this command: (make sure and remove all line breaks)
cat file2 | while read line2; do cat file1 | while read line1; do t update "$line1 $line2"; sleep 90; done; done
You can also send non-drected tweets by issuing the following command
cat file3 | while read line 3; do t update "$line3"; sleep 90; done
Further documentation on installing these tools:
(includes links to installing ruby on linux, mac (lol hipsters) and (ugh) windows)
Make sure and remove the line breaks from the tweets you plan on using:
awk NF file.old >
mv > file2
(or file3) should get the idea, this isn't linux class...
US CONGRESSIONAL TWITTER DIRECTORY _____________________________________________________________________________________________________
If you're going to do targeted tweets then this list is for you, it not its total FUD and can be ignored, these are the people that we want to deliver this message too, they will typically respond to "if you vote for this, I vote you out of office" sorts of messages, except in the case of Barack, since he doesn't give a fuck and can't be voted out.
TWEETS - Alone, or directed to any of the aforementioned government officials from above directory and or list
PLEASE USE HASHTAG #VoteNoCISPA - We need this to trend
CISPA Tweet tool from @EFF <-use this because it's an awesome way to deliver the message, even though it will use a tag that wont trend by default the tweets can be edited (ps-a big fu to @twitter for that)
Some tweets, mostly these are designed to be targeted at the list of officials above, however many of them can be used on their own, use your own judgement as to how you would like to proceed
Please preserve privacy and liberty on the Internet. #VoteNoCISPA
We need a judge's oversight to protect our privacy and a number of other rights. #VoteNoCISPA removes this
The same Internet that terrorists, spies and criminals exploit for nefarious purposes is the same Internet WE ALL USE DAILY. #VoteNoCISPA
Lawmakers are pushing a dangerous bill that would threaten Americans' privacy while immunizing companies from any liability. #VoteNoCISPA
#VoteNoCISPA resembles a modern, capitalistic version of govt & industry practices once common in the (former) USSR
#VoteNoCISPA will not ensure online security, but can prove costly to the companies it empowers
#VoteNoCispa Our privacy and freedom of speech are not for sale to corporate lobbyists!
#VoteNoCISPA will guarantee we have absolutely NO privacy.
Privacy is SACRED! #VoteNoCISPA will KILL it! Companies won't be required to strip private info of online users.
Is this the USA or the Republic Of China? #VoteNoCISPA
Until the iron curtain fell the US Govt & commerce opposed this sort of paranoid-based privacy infringement #VoteNoCISPA
#VoteNoCISPA because patriotic Americans oppose secretive & cozy anti-public relations between commerce & the government.
#VoteNoCISPA contains terms and ambiguities which can cost online businesses revenue resulting from public fear & distrust
Without the ability to privately conduct ourselves online, we are being denied a fundamental right #VoteNoCISPA
Why are you denying me my inalienable rights that have been guaranteed to me in the constitution? #VoteNoCISPA
The US government has no rights to monitor my private life, or my activities, this bill is fundamentally flawed #VoteNoCISPA
Not only will this bill infringe upon the rights of US citizens, it will infringe upon the rights of all persons #VoteNoCISPA
This bill is a violation of the EU privacy and human rights law, it violates international law, and the constitution #VoteNoCISPA
It is incredibly irresponsible to support and align yourself with the descimation of civil liberty #VoteNoCISPA
A yes vote today, means a no vote tomorrow for you, all politicians that support this will be voted out of office #VoteNoCISPA
I do not support any representative that supports the erosion of my civil liberties #VoteNoCISPA
A yes vote for this bill, is a no vote for freedom #VoteNoCISPA
You took an oath to uphold and defend the constitution, a vote for this bill violates that oath #VoteNoCISPA
The debate for our civil liberties cannot be held behind closed doors, we demand transparency! #VoteNoCISPA
MOAR TWeets - these are intended to be used on their own and not at some target
#VoteNoCISPA represents a legislative threat to privacy and civilian control of the internet.
#VoteNoCISPA Explainer #4: Is There Anything Besides Information-Sharing Hidden in CISPA? Courtesy of the @ACLU
#VoteNoCISPA Explainer #3: "What Can Be Done With Information After It Is Shared?" Courtesy of the @ACLU
#VoteNoCISPA explainer #2 "Who can info be shared with?" Courtesy of the @ACLU
#VoteNoCISPA explainer #1 "What Information Can Be Shared?" Courtesy of the @ACLU
#VoteNoCISPA voting session slated to take place this week!!
Join millions of your fellow citizens online and protest against the passage of this bill #VoteNoCISPA
Join privacy and civil liberty groups and help us urge elected officials to #VoteNoCISPA
It is your duty to protect your freedoms, if they vote yes, you vote them out! #VoteNoCISPA
Protect the freedoms of future generations, make sure they have a right to privacy! #VoteNoCISPA
Join the @ACLU and the @EFF and protect the right to privacy! #VoteNoCISPA
Demand that your interests are protected, make sure that your consitutional rights are defended! #VoteNoCISPA
It is time to let the government know that we will not stand for the continued assualt on our rights! #VoteNoCISPA
The battle to protect our rights does not end, not as long as the attack continues! #VoteNoCISPA
This is a call to action, to every man and woman, defend your rights! #VoteNoCISPA
The government want to read my naughty emails? Fuck that!! #VoteNoCISPA
Do you want the government knowing what porn you watch? #VoteNoCISPA
Google, microsoft and facebook have no business reporting my activity online to the FBI #VoteNoCISPA


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